construction workers

JOIN the Labor Community Alliance (LCA)!

South Florida’s most active and militant social justice organization.

Our primary goal is to advocate for progress and justice, ensuring equal opportunities for all. We are dedicated to supporting legislation that promotes justice, dignity, and peace for all people, with a particular focus on policies that prioritize the working class community.


The Venezuelan Election: International Eyewitness Accounts

Palestine: An Issue for Every Worker

Sovereignty in Haiti: LCA Education Forum


Whatever It Is Called Be Prepared to Fight!

Whatever It Is Called Be Prepared to Fight! by Lorenzo Canizares 2/17/2025 The American people are going through difficult times that many hope is just a short-lived nightmare even though ...

Keeping Our Feet on the Ground

Keeping Our Feet on the Ground by Gabe Ignetti We have just passed through one of the most crucial elections in US history which resulted in the re-election of a ...

There Could be Peace in the Middle East If the USA Wants There to Be

There could be Peace in the Middle East if the USA wants it to be By Lorenzo Canizares 1/27/25 It all points out to Israel putting a major effort to ...

community protest

Facing Reality

Facing RealityBy Lorenzo Canizares6/18/22It feels wonderful to be corroborated. For some time, I have been saying that we are a nation in deep trouble. On 6/1/22 in an article titled ...

antique gas pumps

The Time Has Come To Do More Than Just Protest

The Time Has Come To Do More Than Just ProtestBy Lorenzo Canizares6/5/22On 6/1/22 on an article titled “The Nation Can’t Wait Any Longer,” I wrote “Somebody would have to be ...


February 28, 2025 - National Day of Economic Resistance

February 28th Day of Economic Resistance. Don’t buy anything on that date. Do it for your family. Do it for yourself. Do it for the American people. We still have an opportunity to save this nation from falling off the cliff unto the darkness of fascism. 

There are 350 million of us and even if just a quarter follow the call to withhold our buying power, the blow to the Greed Addicts that are driving this wonderful nation into fascism will be a powerful blow to that Greed Machine leading the charge. 

If only a quarter of us refuse to buy on February 28th it will be a powerful blow, imagine what will happen if three-quarters of us do it. It will be a devastating blow. The Greed Machine believe that they could do whatever they want because we are too stupid and afraid to fight back. They believe they can continue to raise our rents by $500 per month as they have done to numerous people in Miami and many places across the nation.

After February 28 hopefully the Greed Machine will think twice about raising food prices as they have done while making enormous amounts of profits. Let's hope they’ll think twice about spending almost a trillion dollars in the military while cutting programs that benefit the vast majority of the people. Healthcare is a Human Right for all economically developed nations in the world except here. We need this National Day of Economic Resistance to make sure that the American people are respected and the destruction of all the good things this nation has achieved are not thrown into the trashcan. 

 » CLICK HERE for details on this article by Lorenzo Canizares