Domestic Policy is the Same as Foreign Policy

by Lorenzo Canizares 2/22/2025
Yesterday in South Florida it was a difficult day for immigrants. The Trump administration announced Haitians and Venezuelans in the United States will lose their Temporary Protection Status (TPS) and soon they will begin to be deported. The reasons given for their loss of TPS don’t have much to do with reality, but it has to do much with President Trump’s view that if these immigrants are allowed to stay in the United States it will “poison our bloodlines.”
President Trump has made a name for himself as a top defender of white supremacy. He knows white supremacy is his ticket to be able to destroy the law and established order that he needs to get rid of to establish the oligarchical society that he seeks. Through white supremacy, he will have a willing army of people ready to fight to keep their perceived privileges. And the other good reason to justify the expulsion of Haitians and Venezuelans in the view of Trump’s billionaire cabinet is that these people are potential political opponents in the making.
The essential component in this rationale addressing the domestic outlook is to keep the country under white control by keeping the majority of the country white. That mindset is essentially the same as the one in foreign policy. Of course, this is nothing new. Most of the colonizers have been white and most have come from Europe or the United States. The use of whiteness has been a tool to mentally justify massacring other people. As we see in Gaza and the West Bank, the battle has been projected in the Western press, as one between civilized people and savages capable of doing any harm to the civilized.
Trump has been very clear on what he wants to do with Gaza. He wants to turn Gaza into another Riviera. But in order to do that he has to get rid of the Palestinians that live there, who in spite of the ruins left behind by the barbaric Israeli bombardment are refusing to leave and the bordering Arab countries are cooperating by refusing to accommodate Trump’s wishes by opening their doors to the Palestinians.
As the fight in Palestine move forward, Israel continues to lose support in the court of public opinion. Obviously, the Netanyahu government has given up its concern about their standing in the world. What’s important to Netanyahu is to get rid of any claim that Palestinians could have to remain in Gaza and the West Bank. There are rumblings inside of Israel’s Parliament (Knesset) that Israel should abandon the United Nations. This is not just a temper-tantrum but a recognition that Israel has no chance to gain world’s support when they are committing a genocide of people of color just because they have the support of fellow white supremacist nations. The world’s recommended solution to this conflict, the two-state solution, has now been officially discarded by Netanyahu.
On Ukraine, Tiernan Cannon, in his article, “Europe Clings to Old Delusions of Grandeur” published in the digital newsletter Splinter (2/21/25), says the impacts of the war have not just been felt in Ukraine. Much of the world has been damaged by the rising costs of food and energy that have resulted, with Europe, in particular, politically imploding in the wake of the dramatic decline in living standards the public has experienced.” Keep in mind, not only has the far right made major political gains through Europe but also in the United States and Argentina.
What we have seen in Ukraine is a country that has been used by the West as a proxy to hopefully dismantle the Russian nation and shred it into pieces as it once was done to Yugoslavia. NATO was formed in 1949 as a collective security system which is now composed of 32 nations (30 Europeans together with USA and Canada). Its purpose from its inception was to target Russia (then the Soviet Union). The real concern was to stop the spread of socialism. But after the fall of the Soviet Union the expectations of turning the vast Russian nation with its immense reservoir of natural resources into a Western protectorate were frustrated with the arrival of Vladimir Putin.
With Putin at the helm of the Russian nation, the West didn’t have to worry about the spread of socialism, but it had to worry that Putin utilized the contacts with the so-called Third World established by the socialist Soviet Union to help galvanize them into economic power. The BRICS, the creation of Brazil, Russia, India, China and shortly after South Africa, has enjoyed having Russia as a major player that has scouted the world expanding their collective economic power by bringing more contributing nations into it.
The world basic economic struggle could be simplified to say is the fight of the old colonizers against those that once were colonized. The lure of white supremacy hegemony and its economic benefits is what brings colonizers together. Recently, Trump imposed sanctions on South Africa because he says white landholders has been treated unfairly as the South African government is trying to remedy the injustices committed during its colonial past. The concept of D.E.I. which is now being eliminated from the domestic realm, is now being forcibly opposed in our foreign policy.
To conclude, what this should tell us is that the main enemy in the domestic scene is the same one also fomenting wars and abusing other nations. It is a class war, but the intended victims of color are used to cloud that fact.

Posted in Pulse Line 1.