Let’s Prepare Mentally for the Upcoming Barrage

The handwriting is on the wall. Even the Wall Street Journal expects the results of the Covid-19 Relief bill to be a major success. The expectations already are that a year from now, if not sooner, the U.S. economy will be thriving, kids will be back in schools, parents will be back to work, and the virus will be under control.
As we well know the opposition to Biden is fierce. This opposition is composed of people that hate the thought that the wealth accumulated in this country will be shared with regular common folks that have darker pigmentation or slanted eyes, these people are egged on in their disdain for non-whites by those that benefit from the division between people.
We better be prepared. We know these people have methods of persuasion that are proven to work. We know from an USA TODAY/ IPSOS poll released on 3/5/21 that just 28 percent of white Americans now believe that what Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd was murder. That was down from 55 percent in June 2020.
We know that these people are not giving up their attempt to take absolute political control of the nation. We are seeing that there are attempts to chop down the amount of people exercising their right to vote. 43 states have legislation being proposed to do such thing. And this upheaval has a purpose – assure those suffering from Greed Addiction and White Supremacy revert to the control of our nation.
The Lying barrage is coming. It will be the height of naivety not to expect it. The role of progressive activists in a society is to prepare people for the fight that we are about to engage. As many of you know, I was a union organizer for many years. I was involved in countless union organizing campaigns. A sure way of losing a campaign was not to prepare the workers for the bosses’ anti-union campaign. If properly warned, when the anti-union barrage campaign came, workers were mentally prepared to withstand the barrage. Same concept applies to the national scene. We need to get organized so we can educate those around us.
Lorenzo Canizares
Posted in Articles, Civil Rights, Pulse Line 2, Racism.